The Confidential Contest

Story: Death is the Only Answer
Written By: The Children of Oakley Junior School
Length: 4 Minutes
Year: 2011

So Doctor Who Confidential held a contest for schoolchildren to get the chance to write their own Doctor Who story. They were given a few guidelines to keep it’s budget down, and the winners story was to be shot and starring Matt Smith.
"Death is the Only Answer" is a silly short little story with the Doctor in the TARDIS with a Fez, and Albert Einstein who turns into an Ood and quickly changed back again. It is kind of confusing...but it was written by a whole host of students together at a you can kind of forgive the silliness (and kind of confusing nature) of it all and just enjoy the fact that you get four more minutes of Matt Smith.

Oddly, this episode aired along with what is now the final episode of Doctor Who Confidential, as BBC budget constraints have lead to the cancellation of the episode by episode documentary series. While some may lament the passing of the hit and miss “making of” series, I totally see where BBC is coming can’t spend a whole chunk of money for two shows when only one is really helping make money and bring in viewers.

So this four minute short is sort of like the final thing Confidential brings to Who fans, and I think it is a nice little way for that particular series to go out. A fun and silly little story written by actual child fans of the program.

NEXT TIME: Series 6 Recap
