Revenge of Tim Shaw

Story: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
Written By: Chris Chibnall
Length: 50 Minutes
Year: 2018

Jodie Whitaker's debut season of the show comes to an end (sort of...) with a confrontation against Tim Shaw, the alien she battled in her opening episode. It seems that the planet she sent him and trapped him on at the end of the first episode housed two aliens known as the Ux, a couple of powerful beings that can create almost anything with their minds, and live on their faith alone.  Tim Shaw tricked them into believing he was their creator and doing his bidding.  It's up to the Doctor and the gang to put things right, though Graham is looking for revenge for the loss of Grace. 
I thought the episode was alright. I liked the thematic character closures our characters got, particularly Graham and Ryan...but Yaz felt overlooked, and the Doctor's closure is mild at best.  I enjoyed that the finale put a cap on Tim Shaw, which felt needed when the series began.  As episodes go, it was mildly entertaining.  Sort of middle of the road for a finale, and that is a shame, because I have enjoyed this series overall.

As I said, the best bit for me was Graham, and that goes for much of the series.  Ryan and Yaz are likable, but if the show had been Jodie Whitaker and Bradley Walsh, I think it would've been cleaner and more enjoyable.  As much as I like the closure of Ryan calling Graham grandad finally, and as much as I loved Demons of the Punjab for Yaz...I think often it was too many new leads to get to know, and Walsh and Whitaker were the true stars for me.  In this finale, Graham's feelings of wanting to avenge his late wife on Tim Shaw, and his ultimate decision not to do it as the heart of the episode.

Now we only have a very short break until New Years Day for the next special. Then unfortunately it is a long wait until 2020 for Series 12.  Though the reports are Early 2020, possibly January or really not THAT much longer to wait than if it were coming on in October again.  Look as long as the show isn't cancelled completely or taking a 15 year hiatus again? I'm happy that we only deal with a year off here and there.  I didn't have to live as a fan through the Wilderness Years, and as much as I find a lot of the stuff produced back then fascinating or enjoyable, I'm not really looking to say goodbye to it off TV for a while.  Though even if we did Big Finish has got our back!

So onto New Years and based on the trailer what feels like we may possibly be Exterminating the New Year...we shall see in a couple week's time!

NEXT TIME: Ringing in the New Year
