
Story: Spyfall, Part Two
Written By: Chris Chibnall
Length: 60 Minutes
Year: 2020

After waiting another year for a new season after Whitaker just kicked off, it is at least nice that for the epic opening two-parter, we only had to wait a few days to get the conclusion.
The Doctor is trapped in another dimension, her companions trapped on a crashing plane, and the Master has made his getaway.  It's a classic case of "how will they get out of this one!" Well pretty easily, as it should be!  The companions on the plane are able to safely land the plane without a cockpit thanks to the Doctor from the future, who has left Ryan some clues and an app that will land the plane properly.

The Doctor is able to escape through some random lady who shows up in this dimension from time to time. The Doctor holds her hand and ends up traveling back to her time in the 19th Century.  The random lady, it turns out, is Ada Lovelace, a significant individual in the early history of computers. The Master also shows up and attempts to have the Doctor bow to him, but when he demands to know how she even escaped the dimension she realizes he doesn't even understand what is going on with the energy beings...and Ada helps ward the Master off with some weapons displays at the convention they are at.

After the Kasaavin (the energy beings working with the Master), send Ada and the Doctor forward to Nazi Occupied France and they meet up with Noor Inayat Khan (a British spy). The Master shows up this time as a Nazi (using a perception filter to hide the fact that he doesn't look very Aryan), and he and the Doctor meet up on the Eiffel Tower to discuss things. The Doctor pumps some info out of him before jamming his perception filter and running off before the Nazis can get her (though they grab the Master...then she, Ada, and Noor steal his TARDIS to save the day. 

Meanwhile Graham, Ryan, and Yaz work together to stop Barton's plan of overtaking the human race via the Kasaavin and an app.  They also discuss how little they know about the Doctor and where she comes from.  They don't succeed in stopping Barton, but luckily the Doctor was able to sabotage the app while it was still in development using time travel shenanigans.  And she uses a recording of the Master's own blathering to turn the Kasaavin against him, and they trap him in their dimension.  Day saved!

But the Doctor still has to set up the get out of jail free card for the gang on the plane, and then take Ada and Noor home (wiping their memories to not screw history up too much)...and then there was the matter of something the Master mentioned...has she seen Gallifrey lately?  She goes to her home world, and finds it destroyed. And then a message from the Master arrives, explaining that their forefathers did something truly awful, something buried in their collective sub-conscience...and he had to destroy them.  He won't give away all the details though, because why not leave a little bit of something to torture the Doctor with. 

It's a solid conclusion to the story, as well as good set up for the series to come.  I enjoyed these two quite a bit.  And even as a defender of the first Chibnall/Whitaker series...I think this has been the best story to feature her Doctor.  It bodes well for this series!

NEXT TIME: A Deadly Luxury Resort
