Story: Daleks! - The Sentinel of the Fifth Galaxy
Written By: James Goss
Length: 15 Minutes
Year: 2020
Written By: James Goss
Length: 15 Minutes
Year: 2020
The second installment of this animated mini-series, has the Daleks on the run from the Entity, and they send the strategist off to awake a hidden army of Daleks in a vault somewhere, guarded by a slightly snarky robot. The guard is sort of an odd touch to be honest. But anyhow, the Strategist and the Sentinel awake the army, but they start acting weird and calling the Strategist “Emperor.”
Turns out the Sentinel has been infected by the Entity and they will work with the Strategist if he takes on the role of Emperor, but will otherwise wipe out the Daleks. The Strategist refuses and blows up the place, but many Daleks follow him out and battle ensues. So much for that plan, the Daleks remain on the run.
I think I enjoyed this second episode a tad more than the first. I like seeing the Daleks from their internal view from time to time, and this series is definitely taking some inspiration from the odd 60s Dalek comic strip, which is fun.
NEXT TIME: Friends or Foes?
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