The End of the Fairy Tale

Story: The Big Bang
Written By: Steven Moffat
Length: 55 Minutes
Year: 2010

The finale to the first Moffat-run/Matt Smith-starring series is tremendous fun. Smith is at the top of his game, and Rory, Amy, and River are all tremendous as well. The story is confusing and convoluted and wonderful Doctor Who nonsense...nonsense only Doctor Who can create.
The time travel is so bizarre and complicated that the whole episode seems like it is whizzing by at great pace, and yet there are lots of wonderful small character moments that make this episode feel almost small and intimate, despite the scale of the problem at hand.

The end, the wedding and whatnot is also great fun. Amy's something old, new, borrowed, and blue speech works so does the Doctor's return. The scene with River leaves much to be answered, but it seems pretty clear from Moffat and hints throughout that the River Song storyline will be resolved within the next Series, which I can not wait for. The final scene of the Doctor, Amy, and Rory taking off together for more adventures in the TARDIS was a tremendous end to this series, and while it has been confirmed Gillan is returning, I hope that Moffat will keep Rory on as a full-time companion, and for ONCE give us a great male companion...its been ever so long since Jamie graced our screens. Other male companions have not yet to make a similar impact. Arthur Darvill is the man for the job in my opinion.

NEXT TIME: Series 5 Recap
