The Kraals

Story: The Android Invasion
Written By: Terry Nation
Length: 4 Episodes
Year: 1975

This is another good story from season 13, and the last good Doctor Who story written by Terry Nation (his next story would be yet another Dalek story four years from now...and it isn't all that good). Also back are Benton and Harry, both their last appearances. It was nice to see them again, and was sort of necessary for their to be a familiar face that seems to have turned on the Doctor and Sarah, but they don't really do much at all. In this story, Nation invents another alien/monster/villain - The Kraals. They are actually a really good monster/villain, both in design and performance, its rather a shame they were never brought back.
Overall this is an enjoyable tale, not the best Who has to offer, but definitely worth a watch. You wont be bored, as padding isn't as much an issue here, and there is plenty of location shooting, which seems to be more present in the Hinchcliffe era, which is one thing he got really right (lets see we could build cheap sets that don't look the slightest bit real...or lets just go outside).

NEXT TIME: Frankentimelord
