Sisterhood of Karn

Story: The Brain of Morbius
Written By: Robin Bland
Length: 4 Episodes
Year: 1975

This is a classic. There is just so much to love about "The Brain of Morbius". Brilliant Tom Baker and Liz Sladen, brilliant mixture of sci-fi and horror thrillers, and great villains and characters all around. The story does a nice little job of giving us a little tiny bit of Time Lord mythology, without bogging the story down with it, as well as giving us something that keeps us entertained from start to finish.
The plot is a mixture of Frankenstein and Donovan's Brain. The Doctor and Sarah stumble upon a planet that the Time Lords have presumably sent them to, and they soon find themselves caught between Solon, who wants to decapitate the Doctor and put his head to use for Morbius, and the Sisterhood of the Karn who have issues with the Time Lords. Morbius was once a criminal Time Lord, whose ideals where insane and was put to death by the time lords...but Solon saved his brain and his been spending his life trying to create a new body for him.

Its all good fun, with tons of scares for the kiddies and great visuals for the adults. The music and the style are fantastic, Hinchcliffe wasn't afraid of going into darker lighting...something the would be lost later in the classic series run.

NEXT TIME: Plant Monsters!
