Aliens and Trees and More

Story: The End of the World
Written By: Russell T. Davies
Length: 45 Minutes
Year: 2005

This is a rather mediocre episode, but it does a few things right. It essentially sets up that we will get crazy aliens and monsters in the show; Davies jumps right in by giving us several right from the start. Diving right in is really the best way to go. Rose kind of struggles when she realizes she just jumped into a strange “bigger on the inside” box with a lunatic she hardly knows. That’s a nice little touch but it doesn’t really go anywhere.
The Doctor gives us a nice reveal at the end of the episode though…a reveal that will tear little fanboys apart for the next 4+ years...Gallifrey is gone. Time Lords are all dead…and the Doctor is the last one. Fuck.

Actually I’m glad they are dead. In their first appearance ("The War Games") they are powerful and ominous and kind of scary, and you kind of like that the Doctor ran away from them. Then they brought them back, and the more they brought them back the less scary they were and more boring and political they became. Tedious characters. If they are never revived I wouldn’t care. Though if Davies brought them back in a good way when he goes out...I don’t think I’d care as it would sort of wrap up his era. But I don’t want them back. Good riddance Time Lords. And your hats.

NEXT TIME: First Look to the Past
