
Story: Earthshock
Written By: Eric Saward
Length: 4 Episodes
Year: 1982

Here is the triumphant return of the Cybermen, who had not been seen in the show since the Revenge of the Cybermen in Tom Baker's debut season. Their return is exciting, thrilling, and has the best ending possible.
You know that annoying kid Adric I was telling you about? Well it was worth listening to him prattle on about math and women and all sorts of shit he knows jack about but pretends to just to get the Doctor to molest him or something...just for the way he goes out here. He is left on a ship, that is sent back in time to earth...and explodes...and kills the dinosaurs.

I really love Earthshock, definitely should be on any new Who's classic to do list, for it is not only great to see an annoying character die, but it is actually a damn good story getting there. Enjoyable through and through.

NEXT TIME: Zanadin
