The Unknown

Story: Black Orchid
Written By: Terence Dudley
Length: 2 Episodes
Year: 1982

This is the first purely historical episode since "The Highlanders" back in Patrick Troughton's first season. Its weird that they brought it back for a two part episode, but you know what? I'm kind of glad. The historicals were never mine nor anyone else's favorites, but this was a bit charming in its own way.
The standout sequence is definitely the Doctor playing a game of Cricket in the 1920s, there is something so enjoyable and simple about it. Other than that we get a murder mystery and a girl who is identical to Nyssa. None of which is particularly interesting, but it does kind of work in its own way.

"Black Orchid" gets a bit of a bad reputation that I'm not sure it deserves.  I like that it has no monster, but a man, and I like that they just sort of stumbled into a party and have some relaxing fun before the murder mystery starts.  It's only two episodes, so it isn't really all that much to get worked up about.

NEXT TIME: You know what killed the Dinosaurs? Adric does!
