Born Again

Story: Children in Need Special
Written By: Russell T. Davies
Length: 7 Minutes
Year: 2005

This 7 minute mini episode is the first real glimpse at David Tennant as the Doctor. He immediately makes the audience believe he is the exact same man as Eccleston...yet completely different. Works almost every time.  This picks up exactly where "The Parting of Ways" ended, and leads directly into the start of "The Christmas Invasion".
Its all around a nice little mini-episode that leads right into Christmas, and for seven minutes it gives a lot of information about regeneration for both old and new fans. In fact, it was the first bit of New Who I actually watched.  Having only seen "The Five Doctors" once when I was younger and being utterly puzzled by it, I somehow stumbled into reading about Doctor Who on the internet, and became curious about regeneration, I YouTube'd it...and got this, that not only showed me how it all looked...but it also gave me a funny little scene that explained what it was afterwards.  Perfect!

The scene ended with a tease that the Doctor returned in "The Christmas Invasion", which I immediately found online and watched...and thats what lead to me eventually creating this nonsense and seeing it all.  Tennant really roped me in.

NEXT TIME: Song for Ten
