The Planet that Slept

Story: Full Circle
Written By: Andrew Smith
Length: 4 Episodes
Year: 1980

So the last Tom Baker season continues, and we get a new companion! An awful little runt named Adric. In all seriousness fans tend to criticize Adric to no end...the problem really lies in the fact that Adric really is all that bad. What was it about the 1980s that made science fiction writers think that what kids and adults alike want to see is snotty know-it-all boy geniuses who offer very little likability? Adric and Wesley Crusher both in the same decade. I wish Wesley Crusher was in this show over Adric though. At times Wesley could be alright. Adric is almost always a little shit.
So this story is pretty boring in any case, adding Adric is just an extra prize we get to keep with us after this story ends. Oh and this starts what is referred to as the E-Space Trilogy, as it and the next two stories take place in a somewhat parallel space of the universe called "E-Space". Go Figure.

NEXT TIME: The Vampire Mutations
