The Cold War

Story: Attack of the Cybermen
Written By: Paula Moore
Length: 2 Episodes
Year: 1985

For this season the episode length was changed to 45 minutes.
"Attack of the Cybermen" isn't all that bad a story, but the cons outweigh the pros and it is hard to watch. I like Colin Baker the actor, his presence in DVD commentaries and interviews is always insightful, humorous, and entertaining. He is absolutely wonderful in his performance of the Doctor for Big Finish's audio stories...but he got screwed when he was on television.

The sets are bad, the story's attempt at humor is ill-fated, the casting is weak, and the overall feel of the story is pretty much a downer. The rapport between Baker and Bryant is nothing short of aggravating. That all being said there are good things in this story, they are just hard to find through all the crap.

The TARDIS takes us back to Totter's Lane, for no apparent reason other than to make a back reference and make Ian Levine pee his pants with excitement. Take into account that the minor little continuity error of the Cybermen's home planet being Mondas or Telos being corrected in this can really see that Levine is using his tiny little bit of power to correct things he felt needed fixed. But no new fan at home (you know, children!) give a shit about a tiny continuity mistake made 20 odd years ago. Its only to appease the Boy's Club, the group of adult nerds who watched Who as a kid, didn't get outside, and now needed to fix the mistakes so they could sleep at night.

Oh and for one story the TARDIS can change shape from Police Box, its boring and stupid.

