Fear Factor

Story: Tooth and Claw
Written By: Russell T. Davies
Length: 45 Minutes
Year: 2006

This is a pretty good episode, though flawed. The weird crouching tiger hidden dragon monk people don’t make too much sense, but the werewolf is pretty good (it could have been so so bad), and the action within the episode is pretty fun to watch.
Queen Victoria is actually pretty good, for a historical person we happen to meet. The joke that the royal family is made up of werewolves was pretty silly though.

By this time its amazing how well Tennant has really settled into the role. I think most Doctor’s had a little bit of shakiness when they began, but their first story was usually 4 to 6 episodes long, and they had a chance to smooth out the rough spots before the next story. Tennant is in his third episode here, and I believe him completely.

Davies gave us TWO, count ‘em, TWO fantastic Doctors by actors who dived right in and became the role right from the start.

NEXT TIME: The Sarah Jane Smith
