The First Big Return

Story: Dalek
Written By: Rob Shearman
Length: 45 Minutes
Year: 2005

Now they pulled out the big guns. Finally the new series goes above and beyond. Creates real tension, reintroduces THE classic villain of Doctor Who, and does them justice…justice they haven’t seen in years. Not since the Third Doctor have we seen the Daleks not playing second banana to Davros. And not since “Genesis of the Daleks” have they been really scary and impressive.
The TARDIS lands in some underground bunker with a weird eccentric millionaire, with a British boy genius and an alien caged within its depths. The man discovers the Doctor isn’t human and decides he will put him in with the caged monster, that hasn’t spoken ever.

It doesn’t take long before it is revealed to the Doctor that it’s a Dalek...and he panics. But then he realizes that it can’t exterminate, it’s powerless…and the Doctor turns. There’s a powerful scene in which the Doctor hints at some of the things that happened in the Time War…clearly it was with the Daleks...and the Doctor ended it, supposedly wiping out the Time Lords and the Daleks in one foul swoop. That’s a nice little twist.

The lone Dalek on a rampage is awesome, and the episode is all the good for it. Oh and in the end this Adam genius kid joins the TARDIS for some reason or another.

NEXT TIME: Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe
