
Story: The Doctor Dances
Written By: Steven Moffat
Length: 45 Minutes
Year: 2005

The second part to this story is just as good as the first. The cliffhanger resolve is one of the best the series has had to offer almost ever. The constant cliffhangers in the classic series took its toll. They became pointless. By the Sixth Doctor they just ended every episode with someone saying something with a little emphasis and then ZOOM IN to Colin Baker’s chubby face...slightly shocked or alarmed. The next week it would just be like “Oh…well okay then.” The resolve to this cliffhanger is great, the Doctor thinks up something clever, it works, and he jokes that he’s glad it worked at all...cause he’d have felt stupid going out like that. Perfect. It's a nice nod and joke that most cliffhanger resolves DO seem to easy.
Captain Jack Harkness – the first non-heterosexual character in Doctor Who. And he’s fun. He is all the cheesiness hero guy stuff that the Doctor isn’t, and John Barrowman pulls it off well. The character is given a backstory by Moffat, that he is missing three years of his life. Show-Runner and creator of the character Davies totally forgot this backstory, and as of yet it has not been resolved.

The reveal of who the little boy is, and who the girl is in relation to him, also works great. The finale of “just this once – everybody lives” is fantastic, and I get smile every time I watch it. In the end Jack saves the day, and just before he is about to kick the bucket, The Doctor saves him. Thus we get another crewman aboard the good ship TARDIS, and the trio of 9th Doctor, Rose, and Jack works pretty good...for its short life span.

NEXT TIME: Return of the Slitheen
