Doctor Who: Season 14 Recap

Season 14 was the first step down in my opinion. Whereas I previously felt that 13 wasn't as good, re-watching proved me wrong. I now feel as if I was just remembering too early. The first story in this season was boring as hell, and the next was only okay, important only for the departure of Sarah Jane, and the fact that it brings up the mystery of where the Doctor actually leaves her, which won't get answered until 2006, 30 years LATER. Wow.

The good of this season is "The Deadly Assassin" and "Talons of Wen-Chiang". These 10 episodes are of the same quality as the previous 2 seasons and make classic Who stories all fans should see. The bad is Masque, with Robots of Death and The Hand of Fear being just mediocre. Seeing Sarah Jane leave is rather sad, but knowing she will get her own show many years later kind of softens the blow. The introduction of Leela is a big GOOD in my book. Not only because of the skimpy outfit, but also because she will kill anyone that moves.

The new "secondary" console room is also a plus in my eyes. I forgot to mention in my review of Masque, mostly because I was too busy being bored by that story. Its Victorian, its dark, its Gothic...its more fitting to the show as a whole, and I found it unfortunate when they went back to drab ol' gray cheap plastic in the next season.

I would say its a good thing Hinchcliffe left after Weng-Chiang. His stint as producer is highly regarded among fans, and its understandble why. He produced the best years of Tom Baker, one of the most popular Doctors, who still holds the record for most years in the TARDIS. He bowed out now, which leaves him fondly remembered.

NEXT TIME: The Rocks Of Doom
