The Storm-Mine Murders

Story: The Robots of Death
Written By: Chris Boucher
Length: 4 Episodes
Year: 1977

This is a pretty good story, which I recently rewatched. The special effects are pretty atrocious. My brother, who I've gotten into the new series, saw just a tiny bit of the special effects and immediately said "yea I can't do this". I could see why...the exterior sets of the mining ship look terrible, and the suspension of disbelief is pretty tarnished - the story won't make up for the clearly miniatures in that respect.
The story is good, and it keeps you engaged for the most part...when they don't cutaway to an exterior shot. The Robots are pretty creepy. Works for the Who fan, but I can't say its something I would tell the new Who fan to check out. Its not the best example of the classic series.

NEXT TIME: The Foe From The Future
