Alpha Centarui

Story: The Curse of Peladon
Written By: Brian Hayles
Length: 4 Episodes
Year: 1972

"The Curse of Peladon", and its later sequel Monster of Peladon, may very well be my absolute least favorite Pertwee story, and a contender for the least rewatchable of any story. I don't like a good portion of it. The Ice Warriors retrun, in their cheapo costumes and annoying voices...and then there is Alpha Centuri....
Alpha Centuri is basically a walking penis in a cape. Its shaped like a penis. Has only one eye at the top. To top it all off they decided it would be best if this character somehow managed to have an even worse voice to listen to than the Ice the character basically screeches through the episodes.

I found watching this story unbearable, and when I was originally watching these stories in order...I was almost contemplating skipping the sequel when it arrived.

NEXT TIME: A Classic!
