The Omega Factor

Story: The Three Doctors
Written By: Bob Baker and Dave Martin
Length: 4 Episodes
Year: 1973

"The Three Doctors" is great! It features a threat so large, the Time Lords no only one man can defeat it...and it will take 3 incarnations to do the job. Its a bit silly, but its great fun to watch. Its great to see Troughton and Hartnell again, even if Hartnell's appearance is rather brief (only on a viewscreen, as he was quite ill at the time of shooting). Better yet they are in color!
They fight off an enemy known as Omega, a man who helped give the Time Lords the power of Time Travel, only to sacrifice his own life...but due to will power, he still lives, in a universe of anti-matter.

In all honesty...the story isn't what matters to this story...its really just 4 fun episodes to celebrate 10 good years of televsion. Troughton and Pertwee's jabbing at each other is hilarious. All around Troughton is still great to see in action, and the idea of having two of my favorite Doctors, with a little off screen help from the original, makes this one of the funnest stories to watch.

Another important sidenote is that the Time Lords restore the Third Doctor's ability to Time Travel at the end of this story, and the arc of his exile has come to an end. A very good thing too, as the stories in season 10 get to leave Earth, and as evidenced in Season 9, we needed to give the Doctor's TARDIS he could go on adventures that are actually WORTH watching...the Time Lords send him to boring places...

NEXT TIME: Peepshow
