4022 Saved, No Survivors

Story: Silence in the Library
Written By: Steven Moffat
Length: 45 Minutes
Year: 2008

Hopes are high. This is the last time Steven Moffat will write an episode of Doctor Who before he takes over as show runner. Also the fact that each year his stories have been standouts has to help. So once it was announced that after this Davies was stepping down and Moffat was taking over…this was a highly anticipated episode.
For the most part the first part is damn good, especially upon rewatch. Initially I found River Song to be annoying. The idea of a character that knows the Doctor before he knows them is pretty good, but the execution, however, felt piss poor. Then came series 5 and her 4 episodes there...and I have to say, her whole character seems much stronger now. It is odd how seeing a few more times not only made me warm up to her, but made me re-evaluate my thoughts on her character here. I mean I hated her the first time around. She just seemed like all she did was call the Doctor cute little nicknames while constantly reminding me that she knows him in the future. But with the future episodes now come and gone, I have to admit I'm a changed man on the subject. I think that is terrific, that the writing AND the portrayal from Kingston are so well done that you actually kind of feel like the Doctor at first: who are you, go away.

The episode has a solid villain, a mysterious possible future companion, a decent cliffhanger, and a great atmosphere and mood, with lots of those lovely Steven Moffat ideas we've grown to know and love.

NEXT TIME: Count the Shadows
