Flotsam And Jetsam

Story: Torchwoood: Everything Changes
Written By: Russell T. Davies
Length: 50 Minutes
Year: 2006

Beyond the pilot for K-9 and Company, this is the first time a spin off series was attempted and actually filmed. In a way Torchwood was lucky, because unlike K9 and Company, the Doctor Who being produced at the time was very successful and profitable. Therefore the BBC made no bones about giving Russell T. Davies another series, especially if it could bring with it an automatic audience of adult Doctor Who fans.
So this is the pilot of the first spin off of Doctor Who to get a complete series out of it. How is the pilot? As plots go it is weak, even for Davies, but it leaves you thinking that this show could go somewhere. The plot is thin to make room for introducing all these new characters.

Captain Jack Harkness is back and for some reason on 21st century earth. He gives us a good mysterious feel about him, but beyond that you don't really feel for the characters. The hope, of course, is that over the next few episodes all of that will change...

NEXT TIME: Sex Monster
