
Story: Torchwoood: Greeks Bearing Gifts
Written By: Toby Whithouse
Length: 50 Minutes
Year: 2006

Was there something in the water at the Torchwood writers table? Even writers who once put in good efforts on Doctor Who, like Toby Whithouse, are churning out crap here. To be fair though, I liked Whitehouse's pilot for Being Human, but the start to the actual series and whatnot was total crap. So maybe he isn't the best writer.
Anyhow, I really hate one-off love/relationship stories. I like love and relationships in stories when I watch them develop over real life. In my experience, relationships don't take off and fall apart overnight. Even when people date and break-up within a few days time, there is usually a lot of build up and aftermath. It kind of makes sense that the romantic comedies I like tend to show a longer period of time and a slow build up of a relationship. I prefer "When Harry Met Sally" which showcase about 20 years of a relationship building up...over "27 Dresses" which is a couple of weeks.

As for this is mostly just bad. Tosh doesn't carry the episode well enough, and what we learn about the characters isn't really all that surprising...except Gwen and Owen are the MOST aggravating couple I've ever seen on screen. They act like 15 year olds, playing games at work, fucking up expensive computer equipment and then acting like Tosh is just a stick in the mud when she is pissed that they FUCKED UP EXPENSIVE COMPUTER EQUIPMENT. Add on to that when we hear their thought its all "Oh man I just fucked Gwen" or "Man I can't believe me and Owen are fucking so much." What the fuck? Jack is useless as a leader in this episode because he has two members of his team acting like DICKS and he does nothing about it, except act mysterious and give Tosh weird looks.

The relationship within this episode is annoying. Tosh suddenly goes lesbian, even though she has clear feelings for Owen. Now the implication is that things are out of her control...but then that just means they made it lesbian for one reason and one reason give 14 year old boys boners. Much like Gwen making out with the girl in Day One, you know...effectively raping her?...they just make chicks make out for the sake of having chicks make out. Weak.

This is also the third episode in which Jack makes a dick move to someone else on the Torchwood team to wrap up the ending. These endings have all felt too easy. Cyberwoman he kills Ianto's girlfriend, so Ianto should hate him. Small Worlds he lets the fairies take the little girl, so everyone kind hates him, especially Gwen. Now here he just kills off the villain by sending her to the sun, Tosh should hate him. But none of them hold a grudge. They all just follow this guy who never opens up to them and is constantly making dick moves for easy outs of bad situations. Lame.

NEXT TIME: RisenMitten
