The Second Movie

Story: Daleks - Invasion Earth 2150 AD
Written By: Terry Nation (story) Milton Subotsky & David Whitaker
Length: 84 Minutes
Year: 1966

Better than the first film, but mostly because of Bernard Cribbins. Peter Cushing is better as Dr. Who as well, and the fact that this is based on a better TV serial than the first movie was helps as well.
This is based on "The Dalek Invasion of Earth"...but this movie, while being in color and having way better visuals and just doesn't have the heart of William Hartnell and the cheap old rickety black and white TV Who. In that sense it doesn't differ much from the first film.  Still this is better than the first film, but the TV story here had a real emotional core and it gets lost in the film translation.

The Cushing Films are an interesting addition to the Doctor Who world, but they certainly aren't canonical, and they are more about the special effects than character or story...but the visuals are stunning, even for mid sixties. These films still look good even today.

NEXT TIME: Back to Television: The Adult Spin-Off
