We Are Coming

Story: Torchwoood: Children of Earth - Day One
Written By: Russell T. Davies
Length: 60 Minutes
Year: 2009

Right off the bat things are markedly different. Gwen seems approachable and likable, like they kept telling us she was before but she never really seemed like it. The look is so much more cinematic than it had been in the previous seasons. Also I kind of feel like one story arc per season with this group works so much better than the mini-arcs and episodic format of the previous two seasons. One - arcs work better with ensemble casts, and two we already have episodic shows in this universe with Doctor Who and Sarah Jane Adventures. Its sort of like Star Trek, we had The Next Generation or Voyager being episodic, and going on adventures, but Deep Space Nine doing the arcs and the character development. Torchwood should be Doctor Who's Deep Space Nine.
Anyhow its such a Davies script. I feel like we know all our character so well, all of the new characters we get and the little character touches make me like them all so instantly. From the hardworking Frobisher and his assistant to Lois Habiba to Jack and Ianto's seperate family members to the one adult talking like the kids, Clem MacDonald. We learn things about our characters too. Jack has an adult daughter and grandson. Ianto has a sister with a family.

There is also so much mystery and intriguing things going on that you just want to keep watching. The children talking in unison is so haunting and brilliant. The plot twists are also nice. We think for a moment a new character is going to get added to the team. Dr. Rupesh Patanjali seems like he might be the replacement for Owen. But then we find out he is working for someone of higher authority to bring Jack in, and he ends up being shot doing that. They place a bomb in Jack and the episode ends with our never dying hero about to explode in the Hub as Ianto and Gwen escape. Add on to that the chilling promise from the world's children "We are Coming...Back". Jack explodes. Hub's destoryed...can he fucking survive his body exploding?

Shit got damn good since last season.

