Real Time

Story: 42
Written By: Chris Chibnall
Length: 45 Minutes
Year: 2007

This is a wasted opportunity. The story has the classic series motif of people running around aimlessly in corridors with little excitement. The thing is the plot is all there to make it work, but it is anti-thrilling. Also a lot of it feels like its trying to be Impossible Planet/Satan Pit, mixed with hints of a Moffatt episode.
The ironic thing is on the “Trial of the Time Lord” box set, there is a clip from a creepy talk show in which super Who dorks complain about that season, one of the nerds who will never get laid is a young Chris Chibnall, who complains that all the season had was people walking around corridors. Yeah, he wrote this episode. Payback is a bitch!

Tennant playing the Doctor scared, however, is quite well done, kudos to Tennant for making this mediocrity fly.

NEXT TIME: John Smith, Human.
