Watch Me Beat Death

Story: Torchwoood: Dead Man Walking
Written By: Matt Jones
Length: 50 Minutes
Year: 2008

Jack finds a hidden second resurrection gauntlet in an abandoned church, which is housing several sleeping weevils. The whole opening teaser to this episode is a kind of surreal bizarre thing...but it works pretty well.  Jack is bringing Owen back to life.
He asks Owen for some alarm code, Tosh says her goodbyes...and then Owen stays alive. Everyone is a little weirded out. Owen is still dead but his brain is active...all his bodily functions have shut down though. He can't eat, sleep, drink, have sex...he can't be Owen.

The climax with Owen telling a kid with cancer to "watch me beat death" is bad ass. Owen is suddenly one of the best characters in the show. He has come along way since the first season, when he was almost the worst. This episode is pretty good, and Owen being alive is an okay reset button...because he can't heal or do much of anything the average human his death wasn't meaningless and there are consequences.

NEXT TIME: They Think I'm Fine
