We Are Here

Story: Torchwoood: Children of Earth - Day Three
Written By: Russell T. Davies and James Moran
Length: 60 Minutes
Year: 2009

Day Three is pretty damn great. We get a bit of humor out the Torchwood team setting up shop in an abandoned Torchwood facility in London, as well as them using tricks to steal from others in order to get by. Ianto gets them all new clothes, and Jack gets a brand new army coat.
The real story is in The 456 finally arriving on Earth. Whats really great is that we never fully see them, but what we do see is frightening and creepy. Lois Habiba becomes Torchwood's eyes and ears within the government meeting with the 456, using Torchwood's special contact lenses.

Jack seems to know more about this situation than he tells anyone. He runs off after seeing the other people assassinated the same time as he was. At the 456 meeting we learn of the aliens intentions...they want a gift, 10% of the Earth's children.

In the end Clement MacDonald has been found by Torchwood and is with them watching the 456 meeting. He seems disturbed as if this has something to do with the moment in his childhood when all of his friend disappeared into the light. Suddenly we get one hell of a cliffhanger when Jack returns to reveal that he gave the 456 twelve children in 1965...as a gift. When the screen went black, and I had to wait a whole extra day before seeing what happens next...I was pissed.

NEXT TIME: There's Nothing We Can Do
