Young Again

Story: The Lazarus Experiment
Written By: Stephen Greenhorn
Length: 45 Minutes
Year: 2007

This isn’t that great of an episode. I liked it the first time I watched it, but each time since it has seemed more and more ridiculous and pointless. At least this bad episode pays off at the end of this season.
If you try and make sense of the plot, you will find that the logic doesn’t really exist. Also Mark Gatiss is a bad actor, and I don’t buy him young or old. So he can’t act, and he can hardly write, as seen by his episodes “The Unquiet Dead” and "The Idiot's Lantern." What the hell can Mark Gatiss do? Other than be a super Who fan? Not much.

Other than that, it is pretty much a pointless effort. Shame, this season started off so strong.

NEXT TIME: Corridors
