Adipose Industries

Story: Partners in Crime
Written By: Russell T. Davies
Length: 50 Minutes
Year: 2008

When it was announced that the new companion for Series 4 would be Donna from "The Runaway Bride", many fans FLIPPED. Many fans just couldn't get behind this character who was a little more mouthy to the Doctor.  Davies has admitted that knowing this, he would have to begin the season off by showing the acting chops of Catherine Tate, giving her some meaty dramatic stuff to immediately shut the fans up. But instead he decided to just give them everything they feared...a comedy episode.
The episode itself is charming. A great way to just point out how ridiculous it would be for the Doctor to just bump into her twice. The alien threat of the episode is little cute cuddly pillow like Pokemon monsters. Made out of human fat. Wonderful.

The Doctor is alone, has been for a bit of time, and he seems lonely, and Donna needs something exciting in her life, so their team up works out perfectly for the two of them. The episode is a lot of fun, and I give all credit to Davies. Oh and shock and awe for fans, Rose shows up at the end and only Donna sees her. She walks off and fades away. No mention of what the hell it was all about.

I must mention that bringing Wilfred Mott back and making him Donna’s grandfather is a brilliant choice, wonderful to see him in more episodes.

NEXT TIME: The Italian Job
