
Story: Torchwoood: Exit Wounds
Written By: Chris Chibnall
Length: 50 Minutes
Year: 2008

Wow, Torchwood Series 2 ends on a high note. A damn fine conclusion to a damn fine season.

One of the problems I have with "End of Days" was that it had the same stakes as all the Doctor Who finales. When Doctor Who has 5 years running an "end of the world" scenario for the finales...then it can be kind of tiresome. For the parent program, and I must admit while I kind of hope series 5 goes in a different direction, it works. But when you have three series all within the same universe each year having a big finale with the stakes being planet Earth? It REALLY loses its touch. Sarah Jane is the series I really have a problem with having those scenarios, but it is only slightly more acceptable in Torchwood.
"Exit Wounds" goes in a new and better direction. The stakes aren't the end of the world, and the villain doesn't want to destroy the world. He wants a personal revenge on his brother. Our villain, by the way, is not Capt. John Hart after all, but Gray himself. He seems to be holding Hart prisoner, infused a bomb into Hart's own arm. He's as out of control as the Torchwood team.

The stakes aren't Earth but Cardiff. That makes more sense for this show, as it is really a show that is about a rift in Cardiff, that means the stakes should be just that. So Hart, forced to by Gray, blows up buildings in Cardiff. Then a nuclear power plant is put into meltdown...which could destroy the whole city.

Owen and Tosh stop the meltdown...but not without the consequences. Gray shoots Tosh who is attempting to help Owen in the nuclear power plant. She is bleeding to death but manages to help Owen keep the meltdown from escaping the power plant. Unfortunately an unforeseen power spike causes the plant to go into lock-down to soon...and Owen is trapped inside. There is a lovely conversation that the two have, as they both face their inevitable deaths. Both die, and it is actually quite sad to watch.

The story leaves us in a somewhat sad state of closure. In all honesty the show could have ended here and I'd be satisfied. This was the story of Torchwood. "End of Days" leaves some character points hanging, such as Jack running off to the Doctor and whatnot. This may have been sad, but it was a strong ending.

NEXT TIME: Torchwood Series 2 Recap
