We Are Coming...Tomorrow

Story: Torchwoood: Children of Earth - Day Two
Written By: John Fay
Length: 60 Minutes
Year: 2009

Day Two is sort of the weakest episode in this 5-Part Mini-Series, but that doesn't mean its bad, it just kind of feels like a divergence. Day One was all about introducing several plot elements and new characters, and themes of this series. But it ends with a thrilling cliffhanger which while not badly resolved, just kind of gives us this episode that kind of says "okay now that I have your attention lets get everything back on track for the real story.
The hub is gone. No super sci-fi alien base to solve the problem, just our heroes and their resources. Ianto escapes with his life, as does Gwen but she is being followed and what not, so she and Rhys escape together. Parts of Jack's body are found in the Hub rubble, and are taken into custody. Slowly we watch his body revive itself.

Meanwhile Frobisher and the government are creating a containment take for the aliens using the children, know as the 456. The episode ends with Gwen, Rhys, and Ianto simultaneously helping Jack escape from prison...oh by the way he was encased in cement. So the Torchwood team rescue Jack and reassemble. While we get information through the children from the 456, they are coming back tomorrow.

The weakest cliffhanger is at the end of this episode, with the creepy old government man breathing on to the 456 Tank. Just kind of weird and anti-climactic.

NEXT TIME: As a Gift
