The Night and the Storm at the Heart of the Sun

Story: The Family of Blood
Written By: Paul Cornell
Length: 45 Minutes
Year: 2007

The conclusion to the exciting and wonderfully emotional “Human Nature” is a worthy follow up, that does not disappoint. The villains are relentless, and Mr. Smith’s choice of becoming the Doctor and killing himself is a great struggle to watch, and Tennant plays it so well.
You do find yourself yelling, “Just open the fucking watch okay?” But he eventually does and all ends well.  At least for our heroes, not the Family.

In the end he makes the right choice of course, and we got a lot of great emotions and wonderful little moments that equal one of the strongest two parters in the entire revival of the series. Up there with “The Empty Child/Doctor Dances” and “Impossible Planet/Satan Pit.” Clearly the second two parters do better than the first ones in the season. Strange.

NEXT TIME: Don't Blink
