Turn For the Worst

Story: Torchwoood: Children of Earth - Day Four
Written By: John Fay
Length: 60 Minutes
Year: 2009

This is the part of the story where things start getting really really fucking grim. And its fantastic television. It's like a remake Battlestar Galactica but in the Doctor Who universe. While it almost hard to watch during certain scenes...it is also fan-fucking-tastic gripping television.
So of course we now know that the 456 want 10% of the children, and that in 1965 Jack willingly gave 12 children to them. What for we do not know, but we soon learn that it was in exchange for the cure to a virus. The thing that is most disturbing in this episode is this long scene in which members of the British cabinet meet to discuss how they would pick the 10%. This is of course after a counter-offer to the 456 for "60 units". The 456 reject this notion and make all the children of Earth speak in unison, with each country's children designated the 10% needed from each population. Its scary shit. Oh man and we actually see a kid hooked up to the 456...no idea why.

So this scene with the cabinet members, its how callously they speak of giving these children away, while simultaneously giving their own children immunity from the problem. Its written in such away...that I almost believe our real governments would behave in such a situation, saving their own ass while selling their people down the river. It's powerful stuff.

Lois Habiba announces to the cabinet that every word they've said has been recorded and lies in the hands of Torchwood...and Torchwood begins to fight the fuck back. Its an awesome scene in which Ianto and Jack storm the gates to confront the 456. They come off as bad ass. Rhys leaves the Hub to an undisclosed location, as Gwen and Clem wait for the expected government agents to hunt them down. Gwen shows Agent Johnson the footage of our government, and she sort of thinks things over.

Jack and Ianto confront the 456...but it all back fires. The 456 seal everyone inside the building and poison the air, while simultaneously killing Clem with a shriek sound wave. Ianto dies in the process...and so does Jack, but of course he has to go on. It's pretty fucking grim...and it gets worse.

NEXT TIME: This Is How the World Ended
