
Story: Torchwoood: Fragments
Written By: Chris Chibnall
Length: 50 Minutes
Year: 2008

This is probably the best episode of Torchwood before Children of Earth. I say that with the mildest hesitation, for I have not watched Exit Wounds again, and I can't remember how good the resolution to the season and the first era of Torchwood in general actually was. If I remember correctly I would say that while "Exit Wounds" is good, I am almost certain that "Fragments" was slightly better.
"Fragments" is not only a nice premise, but we even get some great continuity fixes and character developments. Chibnall proves himself a very capable writer, which previous to this episode I wasn't entirely convinced of.

We get origins for all the members of Torchwood, excluding Gwen who we of course saw the origin of in the series premiere. Jack has the most interesting story, having been trapped long ago on Earth, and having to live through the centuries, unable to die...just waiting for the Doctor. We see how he took over Torchwood, after the previous leader massacred the team during the turn of the millennium. This is obviously when he began to rebuild Torchwood in the Doctor's honor, as he stated in The Sound of Drums.

For Tosh we see her steal some secrets, build a weapon, and give it to some folks who have kidnapped her mother...which gives us all some closure on what her mother's image actually meant in "End of Days" at the end of last season. Nice fix Chibnall. She gets imprisoned in UNIT until Jack frees her in exchange for working with Torchwood.

Ianto gets a nice story of him begging to join Jack at Torchwood 3, previously working at Torchwood 1 during the Battle of Canary Wharf, which of course consistent with his actions in Cyberwoman. Whats nice about Ianto's story is we see how he kind of early on is already struggling with feelings for Jack, while still harboring the feeling for Lisa, who he of course hid in the basement until Cyberwoman. This was a continuity fix that really helped my brother get over Ianto and Jack's relationship...suddenly things made more sense. And it all works. Nice fix Chibnall.

Owen has the heartbreaking story of losing his fiance to an alien brain squid. He struggles with her memory loss, gets her into surgery...and loses her and all the doctors working on her in the process. Jack is there, and erases all proof of his existence leaving Owen feeling not only lost and depressed...but somewhat insane as well. Eventually Jack meets back up with him, and recruits him to the team. Owen's story probably could have stood to be longer, but it really gives some great background for the character. Why he always seemed more cynical towards aliens, why he seemed cold and distant, and only in for a good fuck. Kind of even explained why his feelings to the 1953 chick were so scary to him...maybe he never wanted to get so close to someone again...and just lied about not loving before.

The ending is a nice set up for the next episode, as well as call back to the opening of the season. Captain John Hart trapped the team, and he has Gray, Jack's brother. Feels like we are in for a nice finale this time around.

I just loved this one. Everything from the writing to the look and feel and style, to the tone, to the direction and the acting...everything is top notch.

