Daleks in New York!

Story: Daleks in Manhatten
Written By: Helen Raynor
Length: 45 Minutes
Year: 2007

Oh good lord. After “Gridlock,” shoving the Daleks back into the show for no good reason was a totally bad move. First off, nobody had a good idea for what to do with the Daleks this year. They didn’t need them to pay off in the finale at all, so they didn’t need to come back in this season. I would have much rather waited a whole year without the Daleks, than for them to come back and take Manhattan like Jason Voorhees or the Muppets.
The cliffhanger is ridiculous and makes me NOT want to watch the next episode. And in fact when I first watched this, I thought maybe I wasn’t into the show anymore. A year later I had got into the classic series and decided to re-watch this season in its entirety.

This episode seriously almost killed the addiction...

NEXT TIME: A Somehow Worse Conclusion.
