For the First Time...In Color

Story: Dr. Who and the Daleks
Written By: Terry Nation (story) Milton Subotsky & David Whitaker
Length: 83 Minutes
Year: 1965

Sort of a big budget remake of the second serial to air in my favorite show, Doctor Who. The serial in question is The Daleks, which introduces the oldest and most recurring villain (the...uh...daleks). The film is sort of hit and miss.  Being big and in color with a budget and special effects that actually hold up are a plus, but having our character being an odd old human named "Dr. Who" is sort of like missing the point.
Personally, Peter Cushing isn't as entertaining for me as William Hartnell, his TV counterpart. This film on its own isn't all that special. The effects and color are stunning, and make the cheap old black and white originals pale in comparison...but what is missing is the real special feel the show had (and has) and it is missing the heart of the show.

In some ways these movies are like the new JJ Abrams' Star Trek films.  On the surface they seem a lot like the show...but it is all fairly superficial, it isn't the same thing, and it doesn't have the same heart and soul...despite having vastly better effects (these films having much better effects for the 60s and compared to what at the time was a cheap grainy black and white show).  2009's Star Trek has lots of elements that make it seem like Star Trek, but I don't really consider to be genuine Trek...This has lots of elements that seem like Doctor Who...but it just isn't Doctor who.

NEXT TIME: Sequels & Cribbons
