The Final Days of Planet Earth

Story: The End of Time, Part 1
Written By: Russell T. Davies
Length: 60 Minutes
Year: 2009

Return of the Part 1 & Part 2. Russell T. Davies ends his reign as showrunner with this two part epic finale, and really there is too much to say to cover it all in one part, so I will retain my New Series style of doing the individual episodes of multi part episodes by themselves.
So with all the set up, the foreshadowing, the overall build up how does Part 1 fare? Slightly underwhelming. It is a decent story, but it feels like a lot of set up for the next episode. It also has some pacing issues, some padding, and some silly plot points.

The return of the Master was great news, but the actual resurrection scene is pretty goofy…both in the look and style as well as the dialogue and delivery. It is a weak return for the Master…until we see him in action. His resurrection was a little fucked up and he is suddenly constantly hungry…and he has taken to eating people, and anything he can get his hands on…its creepy, in a good way. Having the Master a little more all powerful is a tad ridiculous, but I can go with it.

Another silly and utterly pointless element added in is the Obama stuff. Obama has a plan to cure the economy? And he's just waiting to give some press conference? And he sends in a really bad look alike to tell the news? In the end it is just set up for him to turn into the Master, but we didn't need that to get the point across. Also they've had fictional Presidents before, like in The Sound of Drums...why do we now have the actual President? Well Obama is so great he gets elected in any universe. Silly plot point.

The Ood scenes are pretty decent, and I think Tennant is in good form all around. He is going out on a high. The companion is Wilfred Mott, good ol’ Wilf, Donna’s grandfather. Cribbons is as always terrific in the role. And I love his group of elderly folk tracking down the Doctor. Hilarious and well executed. The characters is where Davies has always shined, it is a shame he occasionally drifts into gimmick territory like with Obama stuff.

The cliffhanger makes up for the pacing and slight issues you get from the rest of the episode…as the Master has taken over every single person’s body on the planet earth, effectively creating a very aptly named in more ways than one, Master Race. His laughter is a tad overused, but its still a solid cliffhanger. What makes it a GREAT cliffhanger, is that somehow, some way…the Time Lords have returned. Oh. Snap.

Next Time: Goodbye Ten
