The Sarah Jane Adventures - Series 1 Recap

As far as first seasons go, this is pretty solid. I would say that unlike its successors, this season spends far too much time catering to young audiences...which if the viewing figures for Doctor Who at this time were any indication, then the writers should've realized that wasn't necessary.

I think if anything the show had major potential at this point. It was clear it could be better, and since they spent this season kind of finding their gets better from here on out. I like the first season, but I didn't love it. I decided to watch it when I discovered that Sarah Jane and Luke were going to be appearing in Journey's End along with the Torchwood Gang, I had already watched Torchwood, so I decided to give this short little series a whirl.

I was glad I did, for I was pleasantly surprised in its quality. And while I admit it is a tad childish, I think it was a pretty damn good start.

NEXT TIME: Goodbye Maria
