Torchwood - Series 2 Recap

This was, as I've said before, a damn good season. I liked it a lot better than the first season the first time I watched it. When I was watching Children of Earth I got in the Torchwood mood, tried to rewatch some of this...and it really wasn't working for me. But watching it all again now I can see that while Series 3 is so so good, this really is one solid season of television.

From the beginning with things like Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang and sleeper, to the brilliant arc with Martha Jones and Owen's death, to the fantastic end in Fragments and Exit Wounds. I think it is unfortunate that we have the small lull of episodes of Something Borrowed, From Out of the Rain, and Adrift becuase they sort of tarnish an almost perfect season of Torchwood. Granted I think Season 3 is even better, but this was so good on its own.

A great thing about it is that You absolutely don't need series 1 for this to work. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang totally reintroduces everything in a way that make you easily understand everybody's job. The brilliant part is that it actually makes you understand better than the whole of Series 1 did.

When I watched this I had to take back everything bad I had said about Chris Chibnall, who had written nothing but shit in both Torchwood series 1 and Doctor Who's 42. Suddenly he wrote a fantastic beginning and end, and I think its safe to say he took more creative us a better focus this time around. From the beginning you could see it was going somewhere, which I didn't even feel it was by the end of Series 1. Nice job all.

NEXT TIME: Davies Returns
