Doctor Who in the 00s: The Grand Return

This decade, which has most recently ended, seems to be this way almost across the board. What I have noticed is that TV shows, movies, and music all tended to be the same boring style that had been shelled out during the 90s. If you look at this decade through pop culture you will see that in the beginning their tended to be a lot of the same ol' same ol' happening, and then around 2004 or 2005 we started to get a new start. Battlestar Galactica was probably instrumental in this, it started in 2003, and influenced tons of people to actually try new things...and then we get a new Batman, a new Bond, a new Doctor Who.

So the first half of this decade we get the same rehash of the classic series we were getting in the 90s. Internet only stuff, usually featuring a past Doctor in some way. I'm not saying this stuff is altogether bad, but we definitely needed a new fresher start, that wasn't continuity based and relying too heavily on the order to get it back on television.

Russell T. Davies did just that. He brought the show back, and he slowly introduced classic elements, making them fun, interesting, fresh, new, and classic again, all that the same time. You can say many things about the guy...but without Davies...all the whiny fans wouldn't have Doctor Who back and so successful again. For that they all owe him. He gave us two fantastic, well performed, and successful Doctors. Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant. We even got two new spin offs as well! Without him, I never would have watched the Classic series, never would have gone crazy, and never in a million years would I have wasted so much time on this silly little show. He made it worth my while. Thanks Davies.

So the decade begins with no chance in hell of the show ever returning...and in walks Davies who just makes it all come together...and hell freezes over and a million fanboys explode with delight.

Christopher Eccleston only gave us one year, just 13 episodes...and he somehow proved himself to be a fan favorite, and even made many people worry that he couldn't be replaced. Then comes in David Tennant who takes it ten steps further, gives us a manic, exciting, and thrilling Doctor...and in 5 wonderful years gave us some of the most exciting Who the show has ever seen.

Officially, the last story of the decade was "End of Time, Part One", but I include part two in the decade, because that is when it was produced, and it signifies the end of the era. The Russell T. Davies Era. Plus its only a day late for the decade so whos counting.

It's incredible that this show have managed to last over 40 years, and is more successful now than it ever was. Whats more? We get a whole new Doctor, Companion, Showrunner, TARDIS set/model, and a whole new series in the Spring. A whole new Era.

NEXT TIME: Spin-Offs
