Jackson Lake

Story: The Next Doctor
Written By: Russell T. Davies
Length: 60 Minutes
Year: 2008

This Christmas special is a welcome change from all the continuity and over casting that plagued the end of Series 4, and it works almost all the way through. The Doctor finds himself in a Victorian…or Edwardian (I don’t know which) Christmas. He meets a man who claims to be the Doctor. The Doctor seems to think that he is meeting a future incarnation, but he is clearly suspicious of the imposter quickly.
It soon becomes clear this ain’t no Doctor, and the Cybermen are about…so something weird is going on. Eventually it is revealed that these infostamps are the cause of it all. Jackson Lake, the man who claims to be the Doctor accidentally absorbed the information of a Doctor Infostamp. It makes more sense when your watching it. Anyhow the Christmas gift to fans is that we get a glimpse of the infostamp…of each Doctor from Hartnell to Tennant. That’s nice. The villainess in Miss Hartigan is pretty fantastic, until the ridiculous end.

Unfortunately the strong story takes a turn for the worse with the Cyberking, which is far too over-the-top and ridiculous, and loses the story any creditability. Overall - nice story, bad ending.

NEXT TIME: The Gap Year
