The Circle Must Be Broken

Story: Planet of the Ood
Written By: Keith Temple
Length: 45 Minutes
Year: 2008

Despite how weird the end is, I really love “Planet of the Ood.” I just love the Ood. They are such an interesting race of aliens to me. They look kinda scary, but they are not cruel or evil in any way. They are the good guys. I love that about them.
We discover here that they are not a race of servants, but actually slaves who are forced to become servants, the Doctor was of course busy with Satan at the time, so he didn’t really ask when he first met them.

So why would an entire race allow themselves to become slaves? Turns out their weird communication glow balls are actually a replacement for their second brain, which grows outside of their head. Weird. So when humans cut them off for the glow ball, it’s actually a lobotomy…that’s fucked up.

The end is super weird. Turns out there’s a third component, a big CGI brain underground…that binds them together. Weird. Oh and Percy from Blackadder is turned into an Ood. More weird. It is all really weird, but really enjoyable, for me anyways. The music is beautiful.

